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Organisational Behaviour - Mahavir Law House(MLH)
The author of the book


Pages | Format
424 | Paperback
Approx. Product Size

Note : The book "Organisational Behaviour "consists of 19 chapters.This text book is based upon the syllabus of B.Com (Hons) Sem (V) Paper BCH 5.3 DSE Group and BMS Sem I, undergraduate programme in commerce and management, University of Delhi and CBCS Programme of various Central Universities throughout India.


This text book is based upon the syllabus of B.Com (Hons) Sem (V) Paper BCH 5.3 DSE Group and BMS Sem I, undergraduate programme in commerce and management,University of Delhi and CBCS Programme of various CentralUniversities throughout India

  • The main focus of this book is on application. Case studies given at the end of each unit would help the readers to develop problem solving abilities and to see how a concept is implemented in practice in organizations.
  • Text has been presented in an analytical form to provide conceptual clarity, working of behavioural processes and deeper insight into the subject.
  • Simple, lucid and effective language has been used for the benefit of students.
  • Use of diagrams, tables and boxes has been made to make the subject self-explanatory for students.
  • The book has six units in total which examines organizational behaviour at the individual level, the group level and the total organizational level.
Chapter No Chapter name
Chapter: 1 Introduction to Organizational Behaviour
Chapter: 2 Evolution of organizational behaviour
Chapter: 3 Understanding and developing organizational structure
Chapter: 4 Personality
Chapter: 5 Learning
Chapter: 6 Perception
Chapter: 7 Values and Attitudes
Chapter: 8 Group Decision Making
Chapter: 9 Communication & Feedback
Chapter: 10 Transactional analysis
Chapter: 11 Motivation
Chapter: 12 Leadership
Chapter: 13 Power and Politics in Organisations
Chapter: 14 Conflict
Chapter: 15 Organizational culture and climate
Chapter: 16 Organizational change
Chapter: 17 Organizational development
Chapter: 18 Work stress
Chapter: 19 Emotions and Emotional Intelligence