
Legal Book List

Legal Drafting for Layman

Legal Drafting for Layman - Mahavir Law House(MLH)
Legal Drafting for Layman

[Not available]

Reprint 2016
Pages | Format
384 | Paperback
Approx. Product Size

Note : Picture may change when a new/reprint edition is published.

Encouraged by the overwhelming response from our readers and incorporating the significant changes made in the system of House Tax in Delhi and Stamp Duty rates relating to certain documents in various  tates, we are pleased to present this 1st Revised Edition of Nabhi's LEGAL DRAFTING FOR LAYMAN, 2005.
In our daily life, we enter into various types of contracts and transactions; some of them are of business/commercial nature while some are of personal nature like sale/purchase of property, tenancy, lease, building contracts, contracts of agency, distributorship, part¬nership, company formation, transactions with banks, issuing dif¬ferent types of receipts, gifts, marriage, divorce, adoption, partition of joint family property, family settlement, will, complaints by a consumer, railway claims, telephone complaints and other matters, affidavits of various types, power of attorney, notices, etc. The terms and conditions of such contracts and transactions need to be written in such a manner that all likely ambiguities are taken care of and resultant disputes are avoided. For this purpose, we have to often visit a lawyer or other drafting expert, who can write a suitable deed for the purpose, and we have to spend lots of money for a small notice for non-payment of rent, or even a simple receipt.

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