Formerly known as Kelly's Draftsman, this unrivalled practical research and drafting tool provides a unique collection of the main forms and precedents practitioners are likely to need in their day-to-day practice. Kelly's covers a broad range of subjects in depth.
The accompanying CD-ROM allows completion of the precedents on screen and it uses clear, straightforward language and document construction. Using the CD, it is simple to locate the material you require, either by entering a precedent or clause number or by navigating through the contents tree.
At the click of a mouse button the CD enables you to find the precedent needed, print it out or copy it to a WP document and customise it to your precise requirements - all in a fraction of the time it could otherwise take. The result is an increase in productivity and an improvement to the quality of the finished product.
Now available with the cumulative supplement which contains all updates to the main work since publication of the 21st edition in 2014.
This year’s supplement will expand the commercial precedents section with the aim of helping smaller firms win more lucrative and complex work.
The new CD version carries the fully updated precedents and not just the new material making it easy to keep up with changes.
The First Cumulative Supplement was published in September 2015
The Main Work was published in November 2014