GST e-Invoicing
2nd Edition
Pages | Format
248 | Paperback
Approx. Product Size
The present publication is the 2nd Edition, as amended up to 25th August 2020, with the following noteworthy features:
- Tabular presentation has been made for ascertaining the responsibility of each stakeholder involved
- Situations and their solutions have been given at appropriate places
- Pictorial representations have been made for better understanding
- Impact on other verticals of the business have been incorporated
- Process flow along-with validations done at IRP portal is also given
- The book incorporates the following:
- Background and concept of electronic invoicing in the form of capsules
- Need of E-Invoicing
- Mechanism of E-Invoicing
- E-Invoice creation and IT implementation
- Amendment, cancellation & miscellaneous topics of E-Invoicing
- E-Invoicing schema/API – Change in IT system
- Time & manner of issuance – Invoice vis-à-vis E-Invoice
- Tax Invoice vis-à-vis E-Invoice
- Bill of supply vis-à-vis E-Bill of supply
- Debit-credit note vis-à-vis E-Debit-credit note
- Receipt, refund and payment voucher
- ISD invoice and miscellaneous documents
- Quick response (QR) code
- Annexures
- Relevant Sections & Rules
- Relevant Notifications
- Concept Note on E-Invoice Messaging Flow
- FAQs on Signed QR Code
- Signed QR Code in E-Invoicing System