
Legal Book List

Fundamentals of Investments

Fundamentals of Investments
 - Mahavir Law House(MLH)
Fundamentals of Investments

[Not available]

6th edition 2023
Pages | Format
628 | paperback
Approx. Product Size

The contents of this book are as follows:
Chapters 1 & 2 discuss the investment environment. The discussion presented in Chapters 1 and 2 revolves around the types of investment alternatives, risk-return trade-offs and structure and trading in the Indian Securities Market. Special attention has been given to the role of SEBI and the prohibition of Insider Trading. Latest developments like Algorithmic Trading and Direct Market Access are also discussed, along with the reforms initiated in the past three decades. The updated information in Chapter 2 is provided
Chapter 3, Security Analysis, provides at one place the concepts and measurement of various types of returns and risks in financial investment. The reader will have an enriching experience and will have a better understanding of risk and returns concepts which are largely misunderstood
Chapter 4 comprehensively explains fixed-income securities, various types of fixed-income securities, the valuation of bonds and convertible debentures, and various types of bond yields. Advanced concepts such as Bond Duration and Immunisation have also been discussed
Chapters 5 to 8 provide various approaches to equity analysis, such as – Fundamental analysis, Technical analysis and Efficient Market Hypothesis, with suitable examples. An attempt has been made to provide the necessary skills and tools for Fundamental Analysis and Technical Analysis. The reader can apply these models and tools, and techniques in real-life decisions. Equity valuation models have also been explained with suitable illustrations
Chapters 9 & 10 deal with portfolio management & portfolio analysis, portfolio construction and portfolio selection. The capital market theory is also elaborated. Further, these provide a detailed explanation of CAPM (Capital Asset Pricing Model), the most popular model of asset pricing in finance, as well as an explanation of the need and measure of portfolio performance evaluation such as Sharpe index, Treynor's Index and Jensen's alpha
Chapters 11 & 12 explain Financial Derivatives and Investor Protection in India

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