Corporate Laws (University Edition)
3rd Edition 2015
Pages | Format
344 | Paperback
Approx. Product Size
CHAPTER 1: History of company legislation
CHAPTER 2: Meaning and nature of a company
CHAPTER 3: Formation and incorporation of a company
CHAPTER 4: Classification/kinds of companies
CHAPTER 5: Memorandum of association
CHAPTER 6: Articles of association
CHAPTER 7: Prospectus
CHAPTER 8: Shares,share capital and allotment of shares
CHAPTER 9: Calls on shares and forfeiture of shares
CHAPTER 10:Transfer and transmission of shares
CHAPTER 11: Membership
CHAPTER 12: Company management
CHAPTER 13: Company meetings
CHAPTER 14: Dividends
CHAPTER 15: Accounts and audit
CHAPTER 16: Registers and returns
CHAPTER 17: Winding up
CHAPTER 18: The depositories act, 1996
CHAPTER 19: Producer companies
CHAPTER 20: Company law in a computerised environment- e-governance and e- filling