
Legal Book List

Civil Procedure with Limitation Act, 1963

Civil Procedure with Limitation Act, 1963 - Mahavir Law House(MLH)
Civil Procedure with Limitation Act, 1963


8th Edition, 2017
Pages | Format
974 | Paperback
Approx. Product Size
24.2 CM X 0.79 CM X 16 CM

Note : Not available


Procedural laws prescribe the method for enforcing rights and duties. The Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 gives the law relating to the procedure of the courts of civil judicature.

Civil Procedure by C.K. Takwani is an authority on the subject. It is well acclaimed as a compact book written in a lucid style. The commentary explains the theoretical as well as practical aspects of civil procedure. The eighth edition of the book has been made more informative and useful.

The book also contains a chapter on Limitation Act, 1963 keeping in view that Bar Council has included the Limitation Act, 1963 as a subject along with the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 in the law school curriculum.

The following are the highlights of the eighth edition:

1. A new chapter on Commercial Courts, Commercial Division and Commercial Appellate Division of High Courts Act, 2015 included.

2. Latest statutory amendments and case laws have been included.

The author has taken care to ensure that the work continues to remain introductory in nature and does not lose its character as a “Student Edition”.

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