
Legal Book List

Business Ethics and Values

Business Ethics and Values  - Mahavir Law House(MLH)
Business Ethics and Values


2nd Edition (Reprint 2016)
Pages | Format
296 | Paperback
Approx. Product Size

Note : The book "Business Ethics and Values with Case Studies" consists of 15 chapters.This is a comprehensive and authentic Textbook on Business Ethics and Values with Relevant Case Studies. This book is an attempt to draw various concepts of ethics and values and analyse their relevance in the fields of business management and organization behaviour. The book follows a student-friendly approach and presents various concepts in self explanatory manners. Tables have been made wherever necessary to have comparative understanding of the concepts.


A comprehensive and authentic Textbook onBusiness Ethics and Valueswith Case Studies

  • An authentic, simple and crisp presentations of the subject matter.
  • Concepts related to the subjects have been explained in lucid, pragmatic and student friendly language.
  • Use of tables has been made wherever necessary to have comparative understanding of the concepts.
  • Each paragraph is distinctly numbered and starts with relevant background of the subject.
  • Answers to questions have been indicated by reference to relevant para numbers.
Chapter No Chapter name
Chapter: 1 Management Models In The Sociopolitical Environment
Chapter: 2 Work Ethos (Indian Ethos For Management)
Chapter: 3 Indian Heritage In Production And Consumption
Chapter: 4 Total Quality Management
Chapter: 5 Stress Management
Chapter: 6 Perspectives Of Management
Chapter: 7 Teaching Ethics
Chapter: 8 Values In Management
Chapter: 9 Personal Growth And Ancient Educational System
Chapter: 10 Science And Human Values
Chapter: 11 Values In Global Change - Indian Perspective
Chapter: 12 Holistic Approach In Decision-Making
Chapter: 13 Secular Versus Spiritual Values In Management
Chapter: 14 Corporate Social Responsibility
Chapter: 15 Corporate Governance