Companies Act 2013 [As amended by Finance Act, 2017]
![Companies Act 2013 [As amended by Finance Act, 2017] - Mahavir Law House(MLH)](/book_images/Companies Act 2013 [As amended by Finance Act, 2017].jpg)
6th Edition, 2017
Pages | Format
780 | Paperback
Approx. Product Size
24 CM X 7.3 CM X 16 CM
Note : Not available
The new Companies Act brings in substantial changes in regulations that govern companies in the country. This publication covers the Companies Act as amended upto Act 31 of 2016 alongwith those corresponding sections of the 1956 Act of which the sections of the 2013 Act are unenforced; Comparative Tables between the Companies Act, 1956 and Companies Act, 2013. Additionally the book also provides the Companies Rules, 2014.
Key Features:
- This publication covers the Companies Act as amended upto Act 31 of 2016.
- Highlights of the Companies Act, 2013, Key highlights of the Companies (Amendment) Act, 2015 & highlights of the CSR Rules, 2014 by Khaitan & Co., Mumbai.
- Important Circulars and Notifications.
- Companies (Removal of Difficulties) Orders.
- Companies (Corporate Social Responsibility Policy) Rules, 2014.
- Case Law
- Free CD-ROM including all Forms.
- Subject Index